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Login to the eMS is not possible
eMS Settings
10.01.2022 01:30
Why can't I log into the eMS?
<p><strong>There can be several reasons for this:</strong> </p> <ol> <li> For reasons of maintenance of the system, the eMS cannot be reached at short notice. Necessary maintenance work on the system should be completed after an hour at the latest.</li> <li>The last time the system was used, the user did not log out correctly. In this case, the "Logout" button should be visible on the left side of the system's login page. Press it once and try to log in again.</li> <li>Organizational security measures mean that no cookies may be used in the browser. If this is the case, open an incognito window in your browser and try to log in again.</li> <li>Your browser does not support the eMs application. Actually, eMS should work with all common browsers. However, if you keep having problems with your browser, try a different browser first.</li> <li>You have forgotten your password. In this case, please contact the eMS helpdesk directly by email (ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl)<br></li> </ol>
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What is the maximum capacity for uploads and documents in eMS ?
eMS Settings
14.10.2021 02:20
What is the maximum capacity for uploads and documents in eMS ?
The maximum upload capacity of a document in eMS is 9,53MB.
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I cannot delete the date in the section 'Fully implemented'
Project Progress Report
23.07.2021 03:25
I cannot delete the date in the section 'Fully implemented'
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23.07.2021 04:04
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23.07.2021 03:52
<p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=7c541326e1ca313cb2023e5b09cc5c5a" alt=""></p> <p><br></p> <p>To be able to delete the date, you have to:</p> <p>- tick the box '<strong>Implemented</strong>' (if not ticked already), </p> <p>- delete the date in the field '<strong>Implemented On</strong>',</p> <p>- SAVE</p> <p>- untick the box and SAVE again.</p> <p><br></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=3f31d37bf0daa89a7ae8a9d52c0a2bc3" alt=""></p>
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Why do I see 'Hidden due to GDPR' in my list of expenditures ?
eMS Settings
23.07.2021 11:36
Why do I see 'Hidden due to GDPR' in my list of expenditures ?
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23.07.2021 02:03
<p>In eMS, some fields of the <em>List of expenditures</em> are protected in order to comply with the EU <em><strong>General Data Protection Regulatio</strong><strong>n</strong> </em>(GDPR). This regulation is made to protect your personal data.</p> <p><br></p> <p>When a user sees the message 'Hidden due to GDPR', this means that he/she has no user rights to read the content filled in the concerned section. </p> <p>The personal data in the <em>Project Global List of expenditures </em>(Project global loe) is protected by this setting. </p> <p><strong>In order to see the complete data filled in your list of expenditures, you have to open your <em>Partner Global List of expenditures</em> (Partner global loe).</strong></p> <p><strong>The <span style="background-color: rgb(217, 234, 211);">Partner global loe</span> button is located below your reporting periods :</strong></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=c969674cc2d9e54af84479dbf889cecd" alt=""></p> <p><br></p>
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How to delete a Partner report ?
Partner Progress Report
15.10.2020 12:42
How to delete a Partner report ?
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15.10.2020 12:42
<p><span></span></p> <p><span>To do so, you have to enter the concerned Partner report and click on the <strong>“Delete Report” button</strong> in the left menu.</span></p> <p><br></p> <p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"><em>Please note that this is only possible if the report never was submitted.</em></span></p> <img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=5b29f630ba93581148dea632c9810e7e" alt=""> <p></p> <p></p>
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At the top of the budget section I see 'flat rate office' : is that both the 15% administration and the 1.5% travel ?
Application Form
10.09.2020 12:28
At the top of the budget section I see 'flat rate office' : is that both the 15% administration and the 1.5% travel ?
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112_flat rate.png
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10.09.2020 12:29
<p>Yes, both flat rates are now combined in a single flat rate of 16.5%. </p> <p>When you click ‘tick for budget flatrate’, it will automatically display 16.5%. </p> <p><br></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=9ce0e8eac2f12b2bf61ba610a60c5276" alt="">C</p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
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How to submit my Partner report ?
Partner Progress Report
04.08.2020 12:29
<strong>How to submit my Partner report ?</strong>
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04.08.2020 12:47
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04.08.2020 12:50
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04.08.2020 12:55
<p>When you have filled in every section of you Partner report :</p> <p>- click on "Save report"</p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=370b8032b2b8c70e332fe23d215f61f9" alt=""></p> <p><br></p> <p>- then click on "Check Saved report" in the left menu</p> <p><br></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=2cfc87ff67cffc0c9e245401998cacaf" alt=""></p> <p>- finally click on <span>"Submit Report"</span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=0bff543b71fe099727990e95a6589508" alt=""></p>
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How to deduct employment subsidies ?
Partner Progress Report
29.07.2020 04:51
<strong>How to deduct employment subsidies ?</strong>
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Reporting employment subsidies _template.xlsx
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30.07.2020 12:50
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30.07.2020 12:50
<strong><em><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">=> => => A detailed guide is available <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gLAPPJDcdX5nb_GQV_-nkTr1zjEPEi_N?usp=sharing">HERE</a></span></em></strong>
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How to use the Excel Upload feature ?
Partner Progress Report
29.07.2020 04:48
<strong>How to use the <em>Excel Upload</em> feature in the <em>List of Expenditure</em> ?</strong>
<strong><em>=> => => A detailed guidance is available <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mh8pOEUb8E8NLZgSct3owZxAhQ-BrStt/view?usp=sharing">HERE</a></em></strong>
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Where to change the ERDF co-financing rate in an Application Form ?
Application Form
29.07.2020 04:42
<strong>Where to change the ERDF co-financing rate in an Application Form ?</strong>
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eMS guidance_Call6_ AF_max.ERDF.pdf
954.08 KB
29.07.2020 04:42
<p>To set the ERDF co-financing rate of a partner, you have to enter the master data of a partner by clicking on the “View” button.</p> <p>Then, scroll down to the “Legal And Financial Information” section where you are able to change the ERDF co-financing rate applied to the concerned partner. The maximum ERDF co-financing rate related to your Priority Axis will also be displayed above this text field.</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong><em>=> => => A detailed guide is available in attachment.</em></strong></p>
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"Partner contributions of partner XXXX do not match budget and financing values"
Application Form
29.07.2020 04:14
<p></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong><strong>I receive the following error message "Partner contributions of partner XXXX Do not match budget and financing values". What should I do ?</strong></strong></p> <strong> <img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=ae9fe71a76c8697e273c47af219245b2" alt=""></strong> <p><br></p> <br> <p></p> <strong><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=2c4aeb3d1e3314e80d88a6f99e926adf" alt=""></strong> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
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29.07.2020 04:33
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29.07.2020 04:33
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29.07.2020 04:28
<p><br></p> <p>In each partner budget, you will have to fill the contribution sources and amount. </p> <p>Click on “Define Contribution” in the "Project Budget overview" and fill the table “Source of contribution”.</p> <img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=82008fecef65114dd595ccc5328b80bb" alt=""> <img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=86aed815b971f901cc1df4d815f70db0" alt=""> <p><br></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>=> Don’t forget to fill the “Amount” column !</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=b6f9eac049776d96bb2e55aac5ddfd63" alt=""></em></strong></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
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Partner from outside the EMR core area
Application Form
29.07.2020 04:04
<p><br></p> <p><br></p> <strong>We have a partner from outside the EMR core area in the partnership (located in Brabant), but in the drop-down menu I can only find Limburg. What can I do?</strong>
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62.10 KB
29.07.2020 04:07
<p>When describing the partner in the "Partner" section, you have to click on the tick box "From All Regions". </p> <p>You will then be able to select any region.</p> <p><br></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=953ecd03da6fb1f947a7f67dd46e4f05" alt=""></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=3eaf73c226b190985d5c62f3d4e92450" alt=""> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
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I cannot enter anything in the budget section of my Application Form, what is the problem?
Application Form
29.07.2020 03:57
<strong>I cannot enter anything in the budget section of my Application Form, what is the problem?</strong>
<p>Please check the following two issues: </p> <p>1) Have you correctly entered the project dates (tab "Project overview") ? The budget blocks if the project dates are not set properly. </p> <p>2) Go into the "Work plan" and open "Define periods".</p> <p><br></p> <p>If the issue still remains, please contact the eMS Helpdesk. Explain the situation in your email and attach a screenshot showing the issue from your computer. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The eMS Helpdesk can be contacted at this email address : <span style="font-size: 14px;"><a href="mailto:ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl">ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl</a> </span></p>
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How can I see every column of the List of Expenditure on my computer ?
Partner Progress Report
29.07.2020 12:29
<strong>How can I see every column of the List of Expenditure on my computer ?</strong>
<p> You have several options to be able to see every column from the <em>List of Expenditure</em> of your Partner report : </p> <p> - If your computer mouse has a wheel, put the mouse pointer on a cost line, click on the wheel and hold it while you are moving it to the left or right ;</p> <p> - If your computer mouse does not have a wheel, click in between the cost lines and then use the arrow “left” and “right” from your keyboard to move accordingly ;</p> <p>- If you want to have an easy view on all the cost lines of your report, you can also export them to Excel format by clicking on the “Export” button.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Please note that in your Partner reports overview, you can also download your full list of expenditure.</p> <p>- Go to the end of the list of your Partner reports,</p> <p>- Click on the button "Partner global Loe".</p> <p>You will get an up-to-date Excel table showing your expenditures declared on the whole project. </p>
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Where can I add "co-workers" to prepare my Application Form ?
Application Form
29.07.2020 12:11
<strong>Where can I add "co-workers" to prepare my Application Form ?</strong>
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222.66 KB
29.07.2020 03:10
<p> </p> <p><strong>The Lead Partner have to open the Application Form (AF) and select "User management" in the left menu. </strong></p> <p> In this section, the LP can allow a new user to get access to the AF and define the rights accordingly.</p> <p><br></p> <p> </p> <p> First, enter the user name in the empty field of the same name +</p> <p> => to give the "Reader" right, click on the "Add for Reading" button,</p> <p> => to give the "Co Worker" right, click on the "Add for Modification" button,</p> <p> => to change the "Applicant" user, click on "Set Applicant" button.</p> <p><br></p> <img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=bed06777f47a9cf995b2d5d10872b322" alt=""> <p></p> <p><br></p> <p> </p>
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Where can I change the language displayed in the eMS ?
eMS Settings
29.07.2020 11:33
<strong>Where can I change the language displayed in the eMS ?</strong>
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43.17 KB
29.07.2020 11:33
<p></p> <p>You can change the language display by selecting your desired language in the drop-down list at the end of the left menu (see attachment). </p> <p><span>This language is also used for the PDF export.</span></p> <p></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=98c85c5fa88ee03d74adc03a6d4fad6d" alt=""></p> <p> </p>
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Not all my information is in the PDF export file/ some information is missing ?
eMS Settings
29.07.2020 11:25
<strong>Not all my information is in the PDF export file/ some information is missing ?</strong>
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15.46 KB
06.05.2021 03:55
<p> To limit the size of the PDF file, not all information is printed. For example, the information in sub-budget lines.</p> <p>Our assessors have a direct access to the eMS and use the online version for their assessment.</p> <p><br></p> <p>It may also be that your content is not filled in every language. Please selected the language in which you want the content to be exported at the end of the left menu :</p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=6b94a4756b046407415cdfa81c081354" alt=""></p> <p><br></p>
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I cannot see my requested PDF-export file !
eMS Settings
29.07.2020 11:21
<strong>I cannot see my requested PDF-export file !</strong>
<p>It could take some time to balance the system load to generate the export.</p> <p>Check your requested PDF in the section " Personal" by clicking on the "Generated files" button.</p>
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I need a summary of my Application Form for a co-financing request. Where can I get one ?
Application Form
29.07.2020 10:34
<strong>I need a summary of my Application for a co-financing request. Where can I get one ?</strong>
After closing of the call, the JS will create a project summary document that is in line with requested information by Programme partners. This document will be sent upon request and is sufficient as an annex for your application.
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I cannot submit my application !
Application Form
29.07.2020 10:16
<strong>I cannot see the submission button !</strong>
<p>Please refer to the guidance on the submission process for Application Forms.</p> <p>- To submit your application, press <strong>Check </strong><strong>saved </strong><strong>project</strong>. The system will perform automatic completeness checks. </p> <p>- Only if all automatic checks are successfully passed, the <strong>Save </strong>button will change to <strong>Submit checked project</strong>. </p> <p>- Press this button to officially submit your application.</p> <p><em><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><strong>WARNINGS :</strong> </span></em></p> <p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 242, 204);"><em>- When your application form is ready for submission, it is recommended to <strong>save the final version as a PDF file</strong>.</em></span></p> <p><em><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 242, 204);">- <strong>Co-workers cannot submit a project</strong> ! You need to be the user in charge of the project to submit an application.</span> </em></p> <p> </p> <p>Once the application is successfully submitted, the lead applicant will receive an automatic email confirmation.</p> <p><br></p> <p>If you are a Lead Partner and face some issues with the submission of your Application Form, please explain the situation to the eMS Helpdesk and attach a screenshot showing the issue from your computer. </p> <p>The eMS Helpdesk can be contacted to this email address : <span><a href="mailto:ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl">ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl</a> </span></p>
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I cannot save information / saved information is lost !
eMS Settings
29.07.2020 10:08
<strong>I cannot save information / saved information is lost !</strong>
<p> Information loss is mostly due to...</p> <p>- more than one user in the same (sub-section),</p> <p>- inserting data that is too long for the input field (e.g. your pasted text is too long for the application form),</p> <p>- lost internet connection.</p> <p><br></p> <p> System failure is highly unlikely. </p> <p>The eMS is fully audited and tested. If you are sure none of the above scenario’s is applicable, please contact the eMS Helpdesk : <span><a href="mailto:ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl">ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl</a> </span> </p>
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Can we work with multiple users on the same application ?
Application Form
29.07.2020 10:02
<strong>Can we work with multiple users on the same application ?</strong>
<p> YES, but make sure you are not working in the same (sub)section of the Application Form.</p> <p>Please note that the submission of the Application Form should be done by the Lead Partner !</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>The Lead Partner is responsible for the coordination of the partnership in case of more than one user on the project</strong>.</p> <p><br></p>
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How long can I be logged in the system ?
eMS Settings
29.07.2020 09:54
<strong>How long can I be logged in the system ?</strong>
<p> For security purposes, the system logs out users that are <strong>inactive for more than 15 minutes</strong>. </p> <p>A large yellow warning message indicates the time out. </p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>Make sure you save data regularly to prevent data loss due to a time out.</strong> </p>
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I am a consultant and support the project on behalf of the partnership. Can I create an account?
eMS Settings
29.07.2020 09:49
<strong>I am a consultant and support the project on behalf of the partnership. Can I create an account?</strong>
<p> The proposed Lead Partner is responsible for the application and submission.</p> <p>An external party can be appointed as a "Co-worker" in the project. </p> <p>Have a look at the question on "User registration" to create your account : <a href="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu#q85">http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu#q85</a></p> <p>Refer to the "User Assignement" to set the user rights on the project : <a href="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu#q72">http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu#q72</a></p> <p><br></p> <p></p> <p><em>Please note that the submission of the Application Form should be done by the Lead Partner !</em></p> <p><br></p> <p></p>
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I lost my password, how do I restore it ?
eMS Settings
29.07.2020 09:38
<strong>I lost my password, how do I restore it ?</strong>
<p>Use the "<strong>Forgot password</strong>" button on the eMS home page.</p> <p>Your new password must have a <b>minimum of 8 characters</b> including at least <u>one capital letter and one number</u> (only use combination of letters and numbers).</p> <p><span>Confirm your new password in the automatic reply you will receive by email.</span></p> <p>=> <strong>Don’t forget to check your spam/junk box !</strong></p> <p><br></p>If no email is received after one hour, contact the eMS Helpdesk : <span><a href="mailto:ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.nl">ems-helpdesk@prvlimburg.n</a>l</span> <p><br></p>
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Where can I create my user account ?
eMS Settings
22.07.2020 04:41
I would like to have access to the eMS, where can I create my user account ?
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609.47 KB
29.07.2020 08:51
<p><b><u><span>STEP 1</span></u><span> : Enter the eMS system </span></b></p> <p><span>Click on the following link to enter the eMS of the INTERREG EMR Programme : <a href="https://ems.interregemr.eu/ems/app/main?execution=e2s1">https://ems.interregemr.eu/ems/</a></span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <p><strong><u><span>STEP 2</span></u><span> : Click on the “Register” button</span></strong></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong><u><span>STEP 3</span></u><span> : Fill the registration form in</span></strong></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong><span>ATTENTIO</span><span>N ! </span></strong><span>Your password must have a <b>minimum of 8 characters</b> including at least <u>one capital letter and one number</u> (only use combination of letters and numbers)</span></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong><u><span>STEP 4</span></u><span> : Confirm your account in the automatic reply you will receive by email </span></strong></p> <p><em><span>Don’t forget to check your spam/junk mailbox !</span></em></p> <p><br></p> <p> <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);"><em><strong>=> => => A detailed guide is available in attachment.</strong></em></span> </p>
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Who can support me with drafting my project ?
Application Form
08.07.2020 02:46
I have questions about the content and design of my project. Who can support me with drafting my project ?
<div> <div> <p><span>Please contact the Regional Antenna in your region :</span></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong><span>REGIONAL ANTENNAS</span></strong></p> <div> <div> <div> <p><strong>Province of Limburg (NL)</strong><span> </span>| Pascale Lutgens | +31 6 55 29 26 94 | <a href="mailto:ppjw.lutgens@prvlimburg.nl">ppjw.lutgens@prvlimburg.nl</a><br><strong>Province of Limburg (BE)</strong><span> </span>| Frederik Loy | +32 11 23 74 16 | <a href="mailto:frederik.loy@limburg.be">frederik.loy@limburg.be</a><br><strong>Province of Liège</strong><span> </span>| Axel Noël | +32 4 279 34 04 | <a href="mailto:axel.noel@liege-euregio.eu">axel.noel@liege-euregio.eu</a><br><strong>Province of Liège</strong><span> </span>| Cristina Jors | +32 4 279 34 06 | <a href="mailto:cristina.jors@liege-euregio.eu">cristina.jors@liege-euregio.eu</a><br><strong>Ostbelgien</strong><span> </span>| Céline Marchal | +32 87 59 63 14 | <a href="mailto:celine.marchal@dgov.be">celine.marchal@dgov.be</a><br><strong>Region of Aachen</strong><span> </span>| Stefan Baars | +49 (0)241 927 8721-12 | <a href="mailto:baars@regionaachen.de">baars@regionaachen.de</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p><br></p> <div> <p><strong>OTHER REGIONAL CONTACT PERSONS</strong></p> <p><strong>Rhineland-Palatinate</strong><span> </span>| Claudia Krütten | +49 (0)651 949 45 22 | <a href="mailto:claudia.kruetten@add.rlp.de">claudia.kruetten@add.rlp.de</a><br><strong>Flemish Brabant</strong><span> </span>| Peter Dhondt | +32 (0)16 26 72 19 | <a href="mailto:Peter.dhondt@Vlaamsbrabant.be">peter.dhondt@Vlaamsbrabant.be</a><br><strong>Province of Noord-Brabant</strong><span> </span>| Mathieu Oor | +31 (0)6 52 79 40 72 | <a href="mailto:moor@brabant.nl">moor@brabant.nl</a></p> </div> </div>
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How can I use "Procurements Above The Thresholds" in the eMS?
Supplementary Information
05.08.2019 02:00
<strong>How can I use<span> "Procurements Above The Thresholds" </span>in the eMS?</strong>
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eMS guidance_ProcurementAboveThresholds.pdf
1.41 MB
30.07.2020 12:51
<strong><em>=> => => A detailed guide is available in attachment.</em></strong>
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It is not possible to compare two versions of a project within the "Project History"
Modification Request
05.08.2019 12:25
<p><span><strong>Why is it not possible to create a document by the system, that compares two versions of a project when clicking on the "Print with original one as base" or "Print with new one as base" button in the "Project History" section?</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=f3f00405afe2ef74619fb4b31085d751" alt=""></p> <p><br></p>
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05.08.2019 12:25
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05.08.2019 12:25
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05.08.2019 12:25
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05.08.2019 12:25
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05.08.2019 12:25
<p><span><strong>In the case of a few projects, there is a problem with the templates that have been prepared in the eMS. Some entries in projects can lead to errors in the presentation and then it is no longer possible to generate a PDF that compares the different versions of a project. Nevertheless, it is possible to compare the different project statuses. To do so, you have to click on the button "Comparer HTML".</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=3d6575d52b0066caf8e05206f6f8ba1d" alt=""></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>Subsequently, a new window opens. Here you must click on the button "Print" to save the newly generated document.</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=8821facfa756dc9a2669c69de53dc7bb" alt=""></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>After the document has been saved it can be opened and viewed via the web browser.</strong></span></p> <p><br></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=fc8aa4d706d1bbfa1fee1b25fcfcc267" alt=""><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=414a0738466037679838a5611605cd17" alt=""></p>
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User Assignment - Project Partners can't see the reporting area of a project (My Projects)
Supplementary Information
05.08.2019 11:35
<p><span><strong>Why a Project Partner cannot see the reporting area of a project even though it has been registered as "Co-Worker" in the project ?</strong></span></p> <p><br></p>
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05.08.2019 11:35
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05.08.2019 11:35
<p><span>The user role "Co-Worker" only refers to the right to edit the Application Form.</span></p> <p><span>In order to have access to the reporting area of a project,<strong> Project Partners must be assigned by the Lead Partner to a partner organisation. </strong></span></p> <p><span><strong>To do so, the Lead Partner must use the menu item "User Assignment" within the "Supplementary Information" section.</strong></span></p> <p><br></p> <p><span><strong><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=56ce539660031c5e7fda8ce4967ad7d9" alt=""></strong></span></p> <p><br></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>After this step has been completed, the project partner gets immediate access to the reporting area of a project.</strong></span></p> <p><br></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=abfb1d0dbbb97bed48e6e43fa3b9e21b" alt=""></p>
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Your partner contributions must match exactly the targeted value
Partner Progress Report
05.08.2019 11:27
<p><span><strong>Why do I get the error message “Your partner contributions must match exactly the targeted value”, although the partner contributions in the eMS are calculated automatically?</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=cbcf688820205b0f4ef6c868aa83ffe5" alt=""></p>
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05.08.2019 11:28
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05.08.2019 11:28
<p><span><strong>It is correct that contributions in the eMS are automatically calculated. For this to happen, you have to click once on the tab “Contribution And Forecast”. As soon as the window is open, the system automatically calculates the partner contributions. After saving the report again and checking it, the error message no longer occurs.</strong></span></p> <p><br></p> <p><span><strong><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=e296dc85d4e5c49195fbceaabe5b5891" alt=""></strong></span></p>
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It is not possible to create a second report within a reporting period
Partner Progress Report
05.08.2019 11:14
<p><span><strong>Why is it not possible to create further reports for a reporting period where still a report exits, although it is possible to do so for reporting periods where no report has been created so far?</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=f38370a7d05561b64d7e276de4acc8a9" alt=""></p> <p><br></p>
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05.08.2019 11:14
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05.08.2019 11:14
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05.08.2019 11:14
<p><span><strong>It is forseen by the eMS system that for each reporting period only one report can be created by each partner. If a partner requires multiple reports within a reporting period, this partner has to contact the Joint Secretariat, which will be able to create additional reports for a period.</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=5e47c3e2e9b262911a332459e7621b52" alt=""></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=1c2eb561ffad42957a74ac595bc73328" alt=""></p>
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How can I adjust the reporting periods in an existing report ?
Partner Progress Report
05.08.2019 11:02
<p><span><strong>How can I adjust the reporting periods in an existing report ?</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=91aa17420a265d71bf6f54394dc9c2ba" alt=""></p> <p><br></p>
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05.08.2019 11:03
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05.08.2019 11:02
<p> </p> <p><strong><span>To adjust the report period within an existing report, you first have to open the report. After that you can adjust the reporting period in the "Partner Report" tab.</span></strong></p> <p></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=f3d17bac2411361706743a09c984711c" alt=""></p>
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How can I adjust the reporting periods of my project ?
Application Form
17.07.2019 02:01
<p><span><strong>How can I adjust the reporting periods in my project, for example, to extend a reporting period and adjust the subsequent periods accordingly?</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=91aa17420a265d71bf6f54394dc9c2ba" alt=""><br></p> <p><br></p>
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17.07.2019 02:01
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17.07.2019 02:01
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17.07.2019 02:01
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17.07.2019 02:01
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17.07.2019 02:01
<p><span><strong>First of all, a "Modification Request" has to be requested.</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=f3d17bac2411361706743a09c984711c" alt=""></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>If the Modification Request is accepted by the JS, the Lead Partner has to select “Define Periods’’ in the application form in the tab “Work plan”.</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=6fccb16600d91565ca86c8bd04dabedc" alt=""></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><strong><span>Subsequently, all reporting periods can be adjusted individually. It is important to know that only the “End Date” and the “Reporting Date” can be changed. The “Start Date” of each period is automatically calculated by the system.</span></strong></p> <img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=07b6dd943489c44f8c008008663fbd21" alt=""> <p><br></p> <p><strong><span>Note:</span></strong> </p> <p><strong> If the “Start Date” or “End Date” of a project has been changed, the report periods must be recalculated using the button “Recalculate First Period Start” or “Recalculate Last Period End”.</strong></p> <p><em> It is important to know that the “End Date” of the “First Reporting Period” may not have an earlier date. than the “Start Date” of the entire project. Otherwise, the system will issue an error message.</em> </p> <p><img src="http://emsfaq.interregemr.eu/download?md5=2ddc15d902eea7e2385d8e93d9c91483" alt=""></p>
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Workflow of the Application Form
Application Form
03.07.2019 04:29
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03.07.2019 04:35
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03.07.2019 04:32
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Contribution must be filled out
Application Form
03.07.2019 04:18
<p><span><strong>Why do I get the error message that the Contribution needs to be filled even though I have entered the contributions for all project partners?</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/contribution.jpg" alt=""><br></p>
<p><span><strong>If this error message appears, even though the contributions have already been entered for all project partners, the error message most probably lies in the fact that an empty contribution was created for one or more partners. </strong></span></p> <p><span><strong>In this case, the empty contribution(s) must be deleted, and the error message will no longer appear.</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/contribution2.jpg" alt=""><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
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Contact person’s telephone number should be international format
Application Form
03.07.2019 04:07
<p><span><strong>Why do I get an error message from the system that the contact person’s telephone number has not an international format?</strong></span></p> <p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/telephone.jpg" alt=""></p>
<p><span><strong>For each country, there is an international spelling for the country's telephone number. The following examples show the international standard for the spelling of the countries Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.</strong></span></p> <p><span>International number Belgium: <span> </span>+32 4AA BB BB BB</span></p> <p><span>International number Netherlands: <span> </span>+31 AA BB BB BB BB</span></p> <p><span>International number Germany: <span> </span>+49 AAAA BB BB BB</span></p> <p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/telephone2.jpg" alt=""></p> <p><br></p>
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Contact person’s email should be valid
Application Form
03.07.2019 04:00
<p><span><strong>Why do I get an error message from the system that the E-mail is not valid even though it was entered in a valid format?</strong></span></p><p><br></p><p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/Contact person’s email.jpg" alt=""></p>
<p><span><strong>It may happen that a space has been inserted at the end of the email address. This can happen if the email address has been copied and pasted.</strong></span></p> <p><span><strong>If this error message occurs, please check all Email addresses and delete unnecessary blanks at the beginning or end of the Email address.</strong></span></p><p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/Contact person’s email2.jpg" alt=""></p><p><br></p>
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I can’t create a new Modification Request !
Modification Request
02.07.2019 04:00
<p><strong>Why do I only see the history of modification requests in the system and cannot create a new modification request?</strong></p> <p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/MR_2.png" alt=""><br></p>
<p><strong>To initiate a Modification Request, the "Request Modification" button must be clicked in the Application Form under the "Application and Contract" tab.</strong></p> <p><strong><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/No_new_Report_2.png" alt=""></strong></p> <p><br></p>
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It is not possible to create a new Partner report.
Partner Progress Report
02.07.2019 03:54
<p><strong><img alt="">Why is it not possible to create a new partner report? (The button “Create New Report” is missing)</strong></p> <p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/No_new_Report_1.png" alt=""></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>
<p><strong>This is always the case when a report with the state "In Progress" still exists.</strong></p> <p><strong>Once the report "In Progress" has been submitted, the “Create New Report” button appears again below the list of reports.</strong></p> <p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/No_new_Report_2.png" alt=""></p>
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Changes can't be saved
Application Form
02.07.2019 03:46
<p><strong>Why is it not possible to save my changes made in the application? I do not see a save button!</strong></p><p><br></p><p><img src="http://h2744142.stratoserver.net/Missing Save Button.png" alt="Missing Save Button" style="width: 594px; height: 458px;"></p>
<p><strong>This can have different reasons:</strong> </p><ol><li>You should always first check that the project is in the correct status that you have the right to make changes. </li><li>Your user role in the project allows you only to have a reading right access to a project. </li></ol>
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